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Change Logs

V1.1 Change Log


1. Disable Comments (Disabled by Default)

  • Rationale: WP Fedora disables comments by default to prevent spam and unmoderated conversations.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Reduces spam and unwanted comments.
    • Helps maintain a clean user experience for static or business sites.
  • Pros:
    • Less need for moderation.
    • Cleaner user interaction without comment clutter.
  • Impact:
    • Comments are disabled site-wide unless specifically enabled.

2. Move Plugin Editor (Moved to Last Position by Default)

  • Rationale: WP Fedora moves the Plugin File Editor to the last position to minimize accidental usage.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Prevents accidental file edits that can break the site.
    • Ensures safer plugin modifications.
  • Pros:
    • Reduced chance of critical errors from plugin file edits.
    • Streamlined admin menu for users.
  • Impact:
    • Plugin Editor is less accessible, reducing unintentional access.

3. Move Theme Editor (Moved to Last Position by Default)

  • Rationale: WP Fedora moves the Theme File Editor to the last position to prevent unsafe changes to theme files.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Prevents accidental edits that may cause theme issues.
    • Encourages safer theme editing practices.
  • Pros:
    • Reduces the chance of downtime due to erroneous theme file changes.
    • Creates a cleaner admin menu.
  • Impact:
    • Theme File Editor is moved to the bottom to protect theme file integrity by default.

4. Custom Post Types (Enabled by Default)

  • Rationale: CPTs are enabled by default in WP Fedora to support content flexibility for specialized content needs.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Enables specific content types like portfolios and testimonials.
    • Enhances site functionality and customization.
  • Pros:
    • Flexible content management.
    • Custom organization for varied content types.
  • Impact:
    • Sites can leverage CPTs to structure and display content types more effectively.

5. Robots.txt Editor (Enabled by Default)

  • Rationale: WP Fedora enables the Robots.txt editor by default to provide control over how search engines crawl the site.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Allows for granular control over search engine indexing.
    • Essential for SEO optimization.
  • Pros:
    • Helps control search engine behavior.
    • Improves SEO strategy by customizing crawl instructions.
  • Impact:
    • Users can modify their robots.txt file directly from the WordPress admin.

6. 404 Monitor (Enabled by Default)

  • Rationale: The 404 Monitor is enabled by default to track and log 404 errors to aid SEO and user experience improvements.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Helps identify broken links.
    • Improves site performance and SEO.
  • Pros:
    • Detects and logs 404 errors for easy resolution.
    • Improves the user experience.
  • Impact:
    • Detailed 404 error logs are provided for better maintenance and optimization.

7. Sitemap Generator (Enabled by Default)

  • Rationale: WP Fedora enables the Sitemap Generator by default to improve search engine indexing.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Automatically generates sitemaps for SEO purposes.
    • Reduces dependency on third-party sitemap plugins.
  • Pros:
    • Improves site discoverability by search engines.
    • Ensures up-to-date site structure visibility for search engines.
  • Impact:
    • A dynamic sitemap is generated by default to aid SEO efforts.

8. .htaccess Editor (Enabled by Default)

  • Rationale: The .htaccess Editor is enabled by default to allow advanced users control over server-level rules directly from WordPress.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Provides an easy way to manage redirects and access control.
    • Reduces the need for FTP or cPanel access for .htaccess modifications.
  • Pros:
    • Streamlined access to critical server configurations.
    • Makes advanced site optimizations more accessible.
  • Impact:
    • Users can modify their .htaccess file from the WordPress admin panel.

9. Script Manager (Enabled by Default)

  • Rationale: WP Fedora enables the Script Manager to allow users to manage and control scripts loaded on their site.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Improves site performance by controlling which scripts are loaded.
    • Reduces bloat and unnecessary scripts on the frontend.
  • Pros:
    • Optimizes site speed and resource usage.
    • Allows for better control over third-party scripts.
  • Impact:
    • Users can manage which scripts are loaded, enhancing performance and usability.
V1.0 Change Log

V1.0 Beta

1. RSS Feeds (Disabled by Default)

  • Rationale: RSS feeds are disabled by default to reduce the risk of content scraping and unnecessary server load. While useful for some content distribution channels, RSS is often underutilized in modern content strategies, where social media and email marketing are more prominent.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Protects content from unauthorized scrapers.
    • Reduces server load.
    • Encourages more controlled content distribution via modern platforms.
  • Pros:
    • More secure by preventing content scraping.
    • Conserves server resources.
    • Encourages users to focus on modern distribution channels like newsletters and social media.
  • Impact:
    • Content will not be automatically syndicated through RSS unless enabled. You have full control over how your content is distributed.

2. Gutenberg Editor (Disabled by Default)

  • Rationale: WP Fedora disables the Gutenberg editor by default due to its relatively steep learning curve and compatibility issues with certain themes and plugins. Many users prefer the Classic Editor, which offers a more straightforward writing experience.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Avoids compatibility issues with themes and plugins.
    • Provides a familiar editing experience for long-time WordPress users.
    • Minimizes disruptions for users accustomed to the Classic Editor.
  • Pros:
    • Maintains compatibility with older themes and plugins.
    • Provides a simpler, more familiar editing interface.
    • Reduces the learning curve for new users.
  • Impact:
    • Users who prefer Gutenberg for its flexibility can easily enable it. By default, WP Fedora offers the Classic Editor experience to maintain ease of use.

3. Meta Editor (Enabled by Default)

  • Rationale: The Meta Editor is enabled by default to allow users direct control over SEO meta tags, such as meta descriptions and title tags, without the need for additional plugins. This enables users to manage SEO on a per-post basis directly in the WordPress editor.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Provides essential SEO control.
    • Simplifies on-page optimization.
    • Avoids dependency on third-party SEO plugins.
  • Pros:
    • Full SEO control without external plugins.
    • Improves visibility and ranking potential.
    • Easy integration into the content creation process.
  • Impact:
    • Users can edit SEO meta data directly in posts and pages, offering flexibility in how each piece of content is optimized.

4. Bulk Meta Editor (Enabled by Default)

  • Rationale: WP Fedora enables the bulk meta editor by default to streamline SEO management across large amounts of content. This is particularly useful for content-heavy websites that require frequent SEO adjustments across multiple pages.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Efficient management of meta data.
    • Reduces time spent editing SEO for individual posts.
    • Ideal for content-heavy or SEO-driven websites.
  • Pros:
    • Saves time by allowing bulk edits.
    • Provides centralized SEO management.
    • Improves productivity for SEO and content teams.
  • Impact:
    • Users can efficiently manage SEO for multiple posts or pages, making it easier to optimize content at scale.

5. WP Generator Tag (Disabled by Default)

  • Rationale: WP Fedora disables the WordPress generator tag by default for security reasons. This tag reveals the WordPress version number in your site’s source code, which can expose your site to potential vulnerabilities if the version is outdated.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Protects the site from version-specific vulnerabilities.
    • Hides WordPress version information from the public.
    • Follows best security practices.
  • Pros:
    • Improved security by hiding version details.
    • Reduces the likelihood of targeted attacks.
    • Keeps site version private.
  • Impact:
    • Enhances security by hiding sensitive information. This reduces the risk of attacks targeting specific WordPress versions.

6. REST API (Disabled by Default)

  • Rationale: The REST API is disabled by default to limit exposure to external applications that may not be necessary for smaller or simpler sites. The REST API can create security risks if not properly secured or if left unused.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Protects against unauthorized access.
    • Reduces unnecessary server load.
    • Ensures only essential API usage is enabled.
  • Pros:
    • Prevents potential vulnerabilities.
    • Minimizes resource usage on smaller sites.
    • Keeps the API closed unless needed.
  • Impact:
    • The REST API is disabled unless needed, ensuring minimal security risks while maintaining performance for smaller sites.

7. Page/Post Meta Robots (Enabled by Default)

  • Rationale: WP Fedora leaves the ability to manage meta robots tags (e.g., “noindex”) for individual pages or posts enabled by default to provide granular control over search engine indexing. This ensures users can specify which content should or should not be indexed.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Enables control over SEO at the page level.
    • Prevents unnecessary content from being indexed.
    • Helps optimize search engine visibility.
  • Pros:
    • Granular control over which pages are indexed.
    • Essential for SEO optimization.
    • Avoids accidental indexing of low-value pages.
  • Impact:
    • Users can easily control which pages are visible to search engines, enhancing overall site optimization.

8. Darkmode UI (Disabled by Default)

  • Rationale: Darkmode is disabled by default as it is a personal preference. WP Fedora leaves the light mode as default to prevent discomfort for users who prefer a brighter, more familiar interface.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Avoids unfamiliar dark UI for users.
    • Maintains consistency with the default WordPress experience.
    • Gives users the option to opt-in rather than forcing the change.
  • Pros:
    • Consistent user experience.
    • Optional for users who prefer dark mode.
    • Reduces potential display issues with themes or plugins.
  • Impact:
    • Darkmode is not forced on users, offering them the choice to enable it if desired for aesthetic or ergonomic reasons.

9. Dashboard Widgets (Disabled by Default)

  • Rationale: By default, WP Fedora disables unnecessary dashboard widgets to reduce clutter in the admin interface. This creates a more focused and streamlined workspace for users.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Reduces distractions and clutter.
    • Keeps the admin interface clean and fast.
    • Focuses on essential information.
  • Pros:
    • Cleaner, faster admin interface.
    • Reduces server load from unnecessary widgets.
    • Increases productivity by removing distractions.
  • Impact:
    • Users will experience a simplified WordPress dashboard, improving performance and focus.

10. Admin Footer Customizer (Enabled by Default)

  • Rationale: Customizing the admin footer is enabled by default to provide flexibility for branding and adding useful links. This helps administrators personalize the back-end experience or add important support links.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Allows custom branding or useful footer links.
    • Helps personalize the admin interface.
    • Provides access to support or documentation.
  • Pros:
    • Flexible customization.
    • Personalizes the admin experience.
    • Enhances functionality with custom links.
  • Impact:
    • Users can easily customize the admin footer, adding branding or functional links.

11. Admin Bar Resources (Disabled by Default)

  • Rationale: The admin bar is left free of additional resources by default to keep the interface clean. This avoids clutter and potential slowdowns in the admin panel.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Maintains a clean and simple admin interface.
    • Improves speed and usability.
    • Focuses only on essential tools.
  • Pros:
    • Clean and uncluttered interface.
    • Faster admin navigation.
    • Improves usability and performance.
  • Impact:
    • Users experience a streamlined admin bar, with the option to add resources only when needed.

12. Admin Bar Hover Transition (Enabled by Default)

  • Rationale: WP Fedora enables hover transitions in the admin bar by default for a smoother, more visually engaging experience. This default improves the UI experience for users who rely on visual cues for navigation.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Enhances user experience with smooth transitions.
    • Provides a visually engaging admin interface.
    • Improves usability for users who rely on hover states.
  • Pros:
    • Smoother, more intuitive navigation.
    • Provides helpful visual cues.
    • Improves the aesthetics of the admin panel.
  • Impact:
    • Users enjoy a smoother navigation experience in the admin bar, enhancing usability without sacrificing performance.

13. SVG Upload Support (Enabled by Default)

  • Rationale: WP Fedora enables SVG upload support by default to allow for the use of scalable vector graphics, which are essential for modern web design. SVG files are smaller and scalable without losing quality, making them a preferred format for icons and logos.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Supports modern web design practices.
    • Reduces file size for faster page loads.
    • Ensures high-quality images across devices.
  • Pros:
    • Scalable, high-quality images.
    • Smaller file sizes compared to raster images.
    • Ideal for logos, icons, and responsive design.
  • Impact:
    • Users can upload and use SVG files without needing a third-party plugin, improving design flexibility and performance.

14. Dashicons on Frontend (Disabled by Default)

  • Rationale: Dashicons are disabled on the frontend by default to avoid loading unnecessary assets. This improves page load times and overall site performance.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Reduces unnecessary asset loading.
    • Improves site performance and load time.
    • Focuses on essential frontend elements.
  • Pros:
    • Faster page load times.
    • Reduces unnecessary server requests.
    • Keeps the frontend lean and efficient.
  • Impact:
    • Dashicons are not loaded unless enabled, improving site performance by reducing load time and asset bloat.

15. Heartbeat API Frequency (15 seconds by Default)

  • Rationale: WP Fedora sets the Heartbeat API frequency to 15 seconds by default to provide a balance between real-time updates and server resource usage. This ensures timely autosaves without overloading the server.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Prevents overloading the server with frequent requests.
    • Ensures timely autosaves for content creators.
    • Ideal balance between performance and functionality.
  • When to Change:
    • Decrease to 5 seconds: For sites where real-time collaboration or frequent autosaving is critical.
    • Increase to 60 seconds: For high-traffic sites that experience server performance issues, reducing request frequency.
    • Set to 30 seconds: For users who want a middle ground, balancing resource usage with real-time updates.
  • Impact:
    • Users experience consistent autosaves and real-time updates without overburdening the server, improving both performance and content safety.

16. Revision Limit (Unlimited by Default)

  • Rationale: WP Fedora sets an unlimited revision limit by default to ensure that no content is lost. This is especially important for sites that frequently update content and need access to all previous revisions.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Keeps all revisions available for recovery.
    • Ensures no content is lost, even after multiple edits.
    • Provides flexibility for content-heavy sites.
  • When to Change:
    • Limit to 5 revisions: To reduce database size on large, content-heavy sites.
    • Set to 0: Disable revisions entirely for performance-focused sites where content recovery is not needed.
    • Limit to 10 revisions: Allows for moderate control over database size while still keeping recent revisions for recovery.
  • Impact:
    • Provides a safeguard against content loss, ensuring users can access any version of their content without limits. For performance-focused sites, limiting revisions can reduce database size.

17. Autosave Interval (60 seconds by Default)

  • Rationale: WP Fedora sets the autosave interval to 60 seconds to strike a balance between saving content frequently and reducing server load. This ensures content safety without excessive requests.
  • Why This is Chosen:
    • Protects content from being lost without frequent server requests.
    • Ensures minimal performance impact on the server.
    • Saves content at reasonable intervals.
  • When to Change:
    • Decrease to 30 seconds: For users working on critical content where frequent autosaves are important.
    • Increase to 120 seconds: For high-traffic sites where performance needs to be prioritized.
    • Set to 10 seconds: For real-time collaborative editing environments that require near-instant autosaving.
  • Impact:
    • Users have their work autosaved regularly, ensuring no content is lost during the editing process while keeping server load balanced.